Holy Week: House Cleaning...

Passion Week is a great time to reflect on the love of Jesus. As we prepare for Easter (Resurrection Sunday), we should pause to examine our own hearts. It is far too easy to focus on how God is using us and fail to pause and examine how God is working on us. Both are important and perhaps the latter more than the former.

On Monday of Passion Week, we find Jesus cleansing the temple. Why clean house when you know that you are about to renovate the house. Jesus walks in the temple in Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, and Luke 19:45-48 and starts turning over tables and running people out. Why? He was passionate about the representation of God the Father to people and people understanding of God. Jesus was passionate about God’s standard of Holiness being represented rightly. God the Father had been misrepresented and Jesus had to respond. Holiness is both passive and active. It is passive in that is a work God does in the life of His children. It is active in that we must be willing to yield to that work. To be more specific, God will point out areas we are not like Him, to help us become more like Him. How are you doing with allowing the Lord to cleanse you? As we prepare for Easter, let’s do that by starting from the inside. How is your heart towards God? How is your heart towards others? Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there someone you need to ask forgiveness from? Passion week is also about God cleaning house, and it starts from the inside.

The Unseen: Angels

A car stalls on the side of the road. The young driver is perplexed as she gets out and pops the hood of her first beloved car that traversed with her from high school to college. Confused more by what she sees under the hood, she steps away from her car, gets her phone out, and begins to call for assistance. As she is doing so, her car begins to catch fire, and smoke starts to billow from her hood as she begins to panic. Just then, a car pulls up, and a woman gets out and begins to help. Her presence calms the young college student as they move to safety and call for authorities. The woman encourages her by letting her know that God is in control. The young college student watches as a fire truck pulls up and begins to put out the fire. Shortly after, police vehicles pull up, and it’s an all-hands-on-deck roadside emergency spectacle. A fireman approaches and asks if she is alright, and as she begins to confirm she was due to the help from the woman who stopped, she turns to look for her, and the woman is nowhere to be found. The woman and her vehicle are gone. The young college student asks the fireman if he saw the woman drive away, and he replied that he only saw her since he's been there. To this day, that young college student attests that she may have encountered an angel. It is stories like these that have caused many to question their current reality. The supernatural fascinates the human intellect, and the subject of angels has been at the top of the list.

The Bible has much to say about angels and how we are to deal with them. They are a part of God’s creation and should be treated as such (Colossians 1:16). However, many people are found praying, worshipping, and even deifying some. The Bible says that God commissions angels to carry out His plans for the saints (Hebrews 1:14). While doing so, they can take shape in human form (Hebrews 13:2, Genesis 18:1-33) to serve the purpose to which God has sent them. They are little higher than us in status, yet they minister to us through God and long to look in the mysteries of salvation (1 Peter 1:12). We are to treat angles as servants just as we are servants. Our Father is clear that we are not to worship angels as do the angels themselves (Colossians 2:18, Revelation 22:8-9).

While the supernatural and angels can be fascinating, the temptation to delve into this subject matter can be dangerous and even foolish to some who do not have a relationship with God through Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 2: 13-15). Due to this, many have accepted and perpetuated a doctrine that Jesus is, in fact, an angel. While others have degraded angels to spirit guides or masters, the Bible declares that these doctrines are false. This type of thinking did not originate in this day and age, but the Bible states that believers had to contend with this in the church's early days. The first chapter of Hebrews dedicates itself to eradicating this very doctrine. Jesus is not an angel, but He is the source in which all things come to being. He is far above the

angels; He is God in the flesh (Hebrews 1:4). Let us be encouraged by this fact. To be interested in the supernatural is, in many ways, normal and expected. However, be of a sober judgment and sound mind when investigating, understanding that all knowledge of such things should point back to God our Father through Jesus Christ. Let the Bible be the primary source considered, which we know is how the Holy Spirit will guide us.

Focus on what is true...

Let me start by saying I wrote this post before the results of the presidential election were declared. To be honest, I came into election week feeling anxious and surrounding by a cloud of fear. After all, if I listen to media, if Trump wins our country will break out into riots and if Biden wins, our freedoms and morals will radically and rapidly decline. From the medias perspective, there are no winners. Perhaps you woke up this morning and you are grieving who now will lead our country for the next four years. I do not know what has happened across the country at the time of writing this, hopefully the media was wrong. Regardless, I write to point you to what is true.

God is still Sovereign even though our world is still sinful. Now that may not make you feel better but it is what is most true even right now. The God who prepared a way to redeem His people even before they messed up, is in no way confused by the outcome of this election. He is not wondering how can he work through a Trump or Biden Administration. I want to help us sift out the eternal truth that is meant to govern our hearts during times like these.

Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.” That did not change as of Wednesday morning. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” God is still in control even when things are out of control. Romans 8:38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God loves us through and beyond the calamities of life. Daniel 4:37 says, “Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride.” God has no problem getting glory from earthly kings.

I can not tell you how things will play out in the days to come. I have no clue of what will come over the next four years of this experiment called the United States of America. I can tell you that the media will continue to bombard us with news that evokes fear. However, I encourage us to focus on what is actually true. God is watching, God is working, God’s people will win!